How to Water New Sod
Knowing how to water new sod is an extremely important piece of knowledge to have following the installation. When sod is purchased, the soil underneath each piece of sod is typically dried up and compacted, which protects the delicate root system. In order for the new sod to successfully take root in your lawn, this soil needs to be loosened so the roots can release and reestablish themselves.
Once the new sod is laid, it should be thoroughly drenched and rolled. Following the initial watering, new sod should be watered enough that it is kept continuously moist for at least two weeks while it takes root. How to water and how long to water will vary depending on whether or not you have an irrigation system, the type of system you have, the slope of your yard, and the time of year you are planting the new sod. The baseline watering suggestions referenced in this article assumed that the irrigation system was using a spray-type sprinkler head. However, there are many variables to consider, so always be prepared to check your new sod periodically throughout the rooting period and make adjustments.
How Long to Water New Sod
The key to knowing how long to water your new sod starts by understanding how long it takes to get the soil underneath the sod moist. If you don’t have an irrigation system, hand-watering a new piece of sod may only take 15 seconds, while drip-line irrigation would take closer to 25 minutes. Most sprinkler systems in the North Texas area have standard “spray type” sprinkler heads. How long you’ll want to water new sod is between 10 and 20 minutes.
How Often to Water New Sod
Because the goal is to keep your new sod continuously moist during the rooting period, it’s important to know how often to water your new sod. How often you’ll want to water new sod is two to three times daily in hot weather and once daily in cool weather.
How Long to Water New Sod with Spray-type Sprinklers “sprinklers”
How long you’ll want to water new sod with sprinklers is between 10 and 20 minutes. For sloped areas of your yard, it might be necessary to adjust your watering cycle times. For example, if, after 5 minutes into the cycle, you notice that water is running off and no longer being absorbed by the sod, you should adjust your watering. For example, rather than running a complete 10-minute cycle, run it for 5 minutes, wait an hour, and then water for another 5 minutes. The task of creating multiple watering cycles may seem tedious, but given the cost of sod and increasing monthly water bills, it will be well worth the time you spend to figure it out.
How Long to Water New Sod with Rotor-type Sprinklers “rotors”
How long you’ll want to water new sod with rotors is between 15 and 30 minutes. Rotor heads are used to cast water over a very large area. However, they do not actually emit as much water when compared to sprinklers.
How Long to Water New Sod with Drip Irrigation “dripline”
Once new sod has rooted, dripline irrigation is a very effective way to water your North Dallas lawn with little to no water loss. However, drip line irrigation is a very challenging way to establish new sod due to the minimal amount of water emitted.
How long you’ll want to water new sod with a dripline is between 20 and 30 minutes. You should plan to run 3 cycles each day during the rooting period. Keep in mind that areas with new sod that are only irrigated by a dripline will still need to be hand-watered periodically during the rooting period.
How to Water New Sod in Cool Weather
During cool fall and winter weather, your new sod will not need to be watered as often, as the lower temperatures will allow the sod to retain water for longer. As long as temperatures are above freezing, plan to water your new sod at the warmest part of the day in cool weather. Delay your watering altogether if the ground is frozen, as this will damage the sod.
How to Water New Sod in Hot Weather
During the summer months, when temperatures are up in the 90’s and 100’s, you will need to water more often and during the cooler parts of the day. You should water your new sod in the early morning and in the early evening in hot weather. Do not water new sod during warm parts of the day when it is exposed to direct sunlight. Plan to water two to three times each day, as you might find the sod is drying out faster at higher temperatures.