Is Fall a Good Time for Landscaping in Texas?
As the cooler seasons quickly approach, many homeowners ask is fall a good time for landscaping. Many think that spring is the only time to adjust and change your landscape because the thriving season of many plants lies around the corner. Despite this, yes, fall is actually a great time for landscaping in Texas. For one, the mild temperatures of autumn make it easy to work outside, unlike landscaping in summer temperatures. As for installing new plants, landscaping plants are under less stress and are often larger during the fall. Plants are also readily available at local nurseries more often than other seasons. Lastly, it’s easier to water new North Texas landscaping plants because they will require less irrigation in the fall season due to cooler temperatures.
Can You Plant Shrubs in the Fall?
Although many homeowners think that spring is the only time to plant new shrubs, the best time to plant shrubs in North Texas is fall. Yes, you can plant shrubs in the fall because, while plants are dormant in the winter, the soil temperatures in North Texas stay warm enough, allowing for additional time for new shrubs to establish their roots. This helps to ensure that the shrubs root systems are firmly planted and established to thrive in the spring. For reference, some good shrubs to plant in autumn time include Holly, Silverberry, and Nandina. All of these shrubs are fairly low maintenance as well as visually appealing.
Which Fall Season Months are Best for Landscaping?
For North Texas, the fall months of September, October, and November are considered suitable for landscaping. Although these months are all great for planting, it may be beneficial to add new landscaping before it gets too cold so that new plants and grasses can have more time to adjust to the conditions before it gets too cold. In addition, you may want to add new plants while the weather is not too hot to prevent having to water excessively during the plant adjustment period.
What Flowers Should I Plant During Fall Time?
There are so many types and varieties of great flowers that add character and visual appeal to a fall-season landscape. In order to ensure that they thrive and bloom to their full potential, it is important to plant them during the right time of the season. Some of the flowers that are best to plant in the Texas fall are Chrysanthemum, Pansy, Dianthus, and Marigold.
Can I Plant Ground Cover During the Fall Season?
The answer to this commonly asked question is yes, you can plant ground cover during autumn in Texas. For reference, ground cover plants are low-growing plant types that tend to spread out and cover the ground around them. Some ground cover plants to consider are English Ivy, Asian Jasmine, and Creeping Jenny.
Is it too Cold in Fall for Pruning Trees and Shrubs?
A common misconception is that pruning should only be done in the early spring season. The fact is that fall is not too cold for pruning trees and shrubs; it’s actually a great time. In addition to knowing how and when to trim trees and shrubs, our only recommendation is to be sure to prune prior to the first freeze. As for North Texas, the first freeze usually occurs around Thanksgiving, when the temperatures initially begin to drop.
Should I Mulch Flower Beds in the Fall?
Yes, fall is a good time to mulch your flower beds as well as other planting areas. As the temperatures begin to drop in the winter and the sun begins to dim, many plants tend to lose strength and nutrients that ideal weather and sunlight provide. A good hardwood mulch will break down and contribute plant nutrients and insulate root systems to protect plants from a Texas winter frost.
What Should You Not Plant While Landscaping in the Fall?
Although most plants are suitable for fall landscaping, there are some varieties of plants that are not fit for harsh winter conditions after fall passes. Some plants are especially winter tender and should be avoided in fall planting. Some winter-sensitive plants include Hibiscus, Palm Tree, Gardenia, and Lantana. Though these are all great plants, they are not fit to brace harsh winter weather during their rooting period that may occur if they were planted too late.